Edgewater, CO Wants To Strip Nearly All Gun Rights From Their Law Abiding Citizens
The small city of Edgewater, Colorado has a population of about 5,000 people and a police force of a whopping 15 officers. Yet they are about to turn their safe little town into the gun control virtue signaling capital of the state.
If you’re a resident, know residents, or even simply travel through or to Edgewater, please make sure to speak up and share this information.
According to an Edgewater City Council agenda for the April 19th meeting, the following will be considered for passage:
- Prohibiting open carry city-wide.
- Prohibiting concealed carry in city-owned buildings and areas, including:
- Civic Center and city parks.
- Prohibiting conceal carry in other areas and buildings in Edgewater, including:
- Bars and liquor stores.
- Daycare centers and preschools.
- Medical facilities, including hospitals.
- Mental Health Care facilities and substance abuse treatment facilities
- Event venues, theaters, etc.
- Banning specific weapons, including:
- So-called “assault weapons” (which includes commonly owned semi-automatic rifles).
- Large capacity magazines.
- So-called “ghost guns” (guns made by individuals from parts, but which lack serial numbers).
- Trigger activators such as bump stocks.
- Certain ammunition, such as 50-caliber, or armor piercing.
- Purchase and transfer of weapons, including:
- Setting a minimum age of 21 for all weapons and establishing a waiting period of 3-10 days.
- Regulating gun dealers with such things as (but not all inclusive):
- Extensive on-site security including video surveillance, steel bars, locked up firearms, behind counter storage of all guns, among other things.
- Prohibiting the display of firearms and ammunition in windows.
- Increasing standards for all employees.
- Periodic inventory reporting.
- Required reporting of certain sales.
- Required signage on gun violence issues.
- Prohibiting retail in residential neighborhoods.
The city council will be discussing all these measures during their scheduled meeting at 6:30pm Tuesday, April 19th. You can attend the meeting in-person or virtual.
In-person: 1800 Harlan St, Edgewater, CO 80214
Virtual: https://global.
CLICK HERE to email the entire council at once.
If you have trouble using that link, here is a simple list you can copy/paste into your email client.
More on this story from Complete Colorado: https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/2022/04/15/city-of-edgewater-to-consider-sweeping-gun-rights-restrictions-concealed-carry-among-targets/
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