In Attempt To Change Gun Culture, Toy Gun Buyback Programs Hit The Streets

Gun buyback programs are becoming an increasingly common attempt to ‘rid the streets of evil guns’ and it should come as no surprise that the anti-gun community is now utilizing these programs to indoctrinate kids. On Thursday, December 20th the town of Hempstead, NY hosted the Long Island Toy Gun Exchange Program. This program has a clearly…

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60 YO Man Killed In Self Defense By 23 YO Woman Is Memorialized As “Gun Violence” Victim

UPDATE:  On Sunday evening, December 16th, the GunMemorial website quietly removed this perpetrator from their pages after receiving so much backlash from this article.  Unfortunately, we have discovered thousands of other violent criminals who were killed in self defense on their site. We’ll be exposing some of the worst here soon. On February 8, 2018…

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Only Days Left For Boulder, CO Residents To Register Their Firearms

Rally for our Rights has been at the forefront of Boulder, Colorado’s so-called “assault weapons” ban since it’s inception. We attended city council meetings and organized messaging campaigns encouraging residents to contact their local government officials. We organized a street demonstration on April 21st, 2018 in protest to the proposed ban – an event which was attended by…

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Actually, David Hogg…It’s Illegal To Use Tax Money To Fund Gun Control Research

On another episode of “Things Anyone Can Say On Twitter” gun control proponent, David Hogg, recently tweeted: “Congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research.” Congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research. — David Hogg (@davidhogg111) November 28, 2018 For…

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Want To Help Fund Gun Rights Billboards in Colorado? Here’s How!

Rally for our Rights is excited to announce our latest effort to get three different billboard designs out around Colorado!  We’ve just begun the fundraising effort to make this happen.  The more we raise, the more creative and strategic we can be with our placement.  There are options of digital billboards available that will rotate…

Here’s What Boulder, CO Is Making Gun Owners Do!

A Boulder, CO resident who had their firearm “certified” under the city’s new “assault weapons” ban brought this to us. We’ve been wanting to see one but not many people are interested in registering their firearms. In order to be part of Boulder’s “This-Is-Not-A-Registry” program, anyone who owned one of the banned firearms prior to…