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2025 CO Assault Weapons Ban Bill Introduced: Everything You Need To Know

  The first day of the 2025 Colorado Legislative Session, Senate Democrats introduced SB25-003: Semiautomatic Firearms & Rapid-Fire Devices their latest and greatest “Assault Weapons” semi-automatic firearm ban bill. This bill is far worse than the two Colorado AWB bills that have died in prior years, although bill sponsors are claiming SB25-003 is not a…

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Boulder CO Assault Weapon, Large Capacity Magazine Ban Overturned

Victory in Boulder!  When Boulder, Colorado passed an “assault weapon” and large capacity magazine ban in 2018, gun owners scoffed at the ultra-liberal city’s agenda, unsurprised by the virtue signaling and visible presence of Bloomberg’s astroturf organization Moms Demand Action. Statistically, a person was more likely to be killed by baseball bat than by one…

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Virginia Gun Rights Rally Brings 22,000+ People, Guns, Energy – And No Violence

In an inspiring show of solidarity, tens of thousands of gun rights advocates from all walks of life attended a Second Amendment Rally in Richmond, Virginia today. The rally was part of the Virginia Citizens Defense League’s annual lobby day.  This year it garnered national attention after anti-gun Democrats swept all branches of the legislature…

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They’re Coming For Your AR-15s and AK-47s Even Though Handguns Are Used In Nearly All Gun Crimes

AR’s, AK’s, and assault rifles, oh my! If you watched the last two Democratic Presidential Debates you heard how every candidate wants to get “weapons of war” off the streets in an effort to tackle what they call our country’s “gun violence” epidemic.  These candidates quickly make it clear when they say weapons of war,…

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17 Times Government Put Guns In The Hands Of Criminals

The latest buzzword in the anti-gun rhetoric dictionary is “mandatory buyback“, primarily referring to semi-automatic rifles or as the gun grabbers call them “assault weapons”.  Since an outright ban is not a very popular idea, especially with tens of millions of just AR-15’s owned by law abiding citizens, the anti-gun politicians need a new tactic. …

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CO Mom Tells Beto “Hell NO You’re Not Taking My Guns!” At Aurora Town Hall

Lauren Boebert drove three hours from Rifle to Aurora, Colorado for one reason and one reason only – to tell Democrat Presidential Beto O’Rourke “Hell NO, you’re not taking my guns” and she did. The town hall was held Thursday, September 19th on the lawn of the Aurora Municipal Center to a small crowd of…

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Beto Sells “Hell Yes We’re Going To Take Your AR-15” Campaign Shirts, RFOR Says “Hell No” On New Merchandise

Democratic presidential candidate, Beto O’Rourke, released a new line of merchandise to support his campaign.  His official web store is now selling a shirt with red, white, and blue letters with the threat to physically take firearms away from millions of law abiding gun owners. “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15” the shirt…

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Why “Red Flag” ERPO Laws Are Not The Solution To Mass Shootings

After every public mass shooting, the call for gun control reaches a new pitch.  Those on the anti-gun left have gone so far as suggesting banning nearly every modern day semi-automatic firearm and having police go door to door confiscating them.  And those on the right are calling for “Red Flag” Extreme Risk Protection Order…

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Parkland One Year Later: The Government Has Blood On Their Hands

Today marks one year since the United States saw a school massacre that broke the hearts of a nation, ignited a fire in new activists, and if you’re paying attention – shattered your trust in government.  That massacre being the Parkland, Florida school shooting where 19 year old Nikolas Cruz took the lives of 14…

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Gun Owners Across US Woke Up Criminals In The New Year – And They Did Nothing Wrong

While the masses across the United States were out ringing in the New Year – some of whom were undoubtedly engaging in illegal activity such as drunk driving and illicit drug use – gun owners in multiple cities and states simply stayed home, watched the ball drop on their TV, and went to bed without…