12 Firearm Bills Advancing in Colorado Legislature
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12 Firearm Bills Advancing in Colorado Legislature

1.) Semi-Auto Gun Ban / Assault Weapons Ban: If you’ve been paying even an ounce of attention to the gun control saga unfolding in Colorado’s legislature this year, you’re undoubtedly outraged by SB25-003. This measure is one of the most radical pieces of gun control ever considered in the nation. When introduced it was a sweeping semi-automatic…

SB25-003 Update: Colorado’s Extreme Gun Ban Bill Morphs Into License to Buy Scheme
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SB25-003 Update: Colorado’s Extreme Gun Ban Bill Morphs Into License to Buy Scheme

When introduced, Colorado SB25-003 was the most sweeping firearm ban to have ever been considered at the state level, going far beyond a typical “assault weapons” ban by targeting all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns with detachable magazines, along with gas-operated semi-automatic pistols that can accept a detachable magazine. Simply a blanket ban on the sale, transfer, purchase,…

Colorado’s Sweeping Assault Weapons Ban Bill Hits Roadblocks: The Latest On SB25-003
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Colorado’s Sweeping Assault Weapons Ban Bill Hits Roadblocks: The Latest On SB25-003

Make no mistake—if it passes, Colorado SB25-003 will be the broadest gun ban in the nation, outdoing even California and Illinois. When introduced, the situation looked dire with passage almost certain, even after having defeated two attempts at an “assault weapons” ban in 2023 and 2024. This year’s uphill battle was introduced on January 8, the…

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2025 CO Assault Weapons Ban Bill Introduced: Everything You Need To Know

  The first day of the 2025 Colorado Legislative Session, Senate Democrats introduced SB25-003: Semiautomatic Firearms & Rapid-Fire Devices their latest and greatest “Assault Weapons” semi-automatic firearm ban bill. This bill is far worse than the two Colorado AWB bills that have died in prior years, although bill sponsors are claiming SB25-003 is not a…

COLORADO GRAPH: 12 Gun Control Laws Pass in 4 years and Homicide Rate Skyrockets
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COLORADO GRAPH: 12 Gun Control Laws Pass in 4 years and Homicide Rate Skyrockets

  In Colorado, gun control laws have been stacking up every year since finding itself as one of the first battleground states for Red Flag laws in 2018. The Red Flag ERPO bill first failed in 2018, followed by passage in 2019. Prior to that the state had been pretty quiet on the gun control…

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2023 Firearm related legislation from Colorado General Assembly

Follow current legislation on our Legislative Watch page. Follow Colorado General Assembly at leg.colorado.gov. The list below is current as of 3/7/23 Public testimony/comment is being accepted both in-person and remotely via Zoom for bills scheduled for committee hearings. To register for remote testimony visit this link: www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf/signIn.xsp, at bottom select “remote via Zoom”, select “by…

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CO Murder Rate Reaches 30 Year High – So Dems To Ban Open Carry At Polling Places?

Crime across the country has skyrocketed and Colorado is no exception. Murder, violent crime, and aggravated assault have all reached a 30 year high in the state. Car theft is at levels never seen before and Colorado is breaking glass ceilings in this category. And do you know what the Democrats who hold a hyper-partisan…

Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About Red Flag Emergency Risk Protection ERPO Gun Laws : Rally for our Rights Colorado
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Fast Tracked Gun Control Bills In Colorado Make FIVE For 2021 Legislative Session

Want the Tl;dr version of the three gun control bills Colorado just introduced? Scroll down to below the graph. Colorado tends to fly fairly under the radar when it comes to national chatter about gun control. A very libertarian state where guns and weed are common topics of conversation, the last time a major push…

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Boulder CO Assault Weapon, Large Capacity Magazine Ban Overturned

Victory in Boulder!  When Boulder, Colorado passed an “assault weapon” and large capacity magazine ban in 2018, gun owners scoffed at the ultra-liberal city’s agenda, unsurprised by the virtue signaling and visible presence of Bloomberg’s astroturf organization Moms Demand Action. Statistically, a person was more likely to be killed by baseball bat than by one…

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HR127: It’s Your Money or Your Guns

HR 127 has been called “The Gun Apocalypse” and for good reason. Introduced by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson D-TX, this bill is formally known as the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act. What HR127 ultimately does is wipe out the Second Amendment by making gun ownership unaffordable for all but the most affluent. Which is…