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They’re Coming For Your AR-15s and AK-47s Even Though Handguns Are Used In Nearly All Gun Crimes

AR’s, AK’s, and assault rifles, oh my! If you watched the last two Democratic Presidential Debates you heard how every candidate wants to get “weapons of war” off the streets in an effort to tackle what they call our country’s “gun violence” epidemic.  These candidates quickly make it clear when they say weapons of war,…

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17 Times Government Put Guns In The Hands Of Criminals

The latest buzzword in the anti-gun rhetoric dictionary is “mandatory buyback“, primarily referring to semi-automatic rifles or as the gun grabbers call them “assault weapons”.  Since an outright ban is not a very popular idea, especially with tens of millions of just AR-15’s owned by law abiding citizens, the anti-gun politicians need a new tactic. …

In Attempt To Change Gun Culture, Toy Gun Buyback Programs Hit The Streets

Gun buyback programs are becoming an increasingly common attempt to ‘rid the streets of evil guns’ and it should come as no surprise that the anti-gun community is now utilizing these programs to indoctrinate kids. On Thursday, December 20th the town of Hempstead, NY hosted the Long Island Toy Gun Exchange Program. This program has a clearly…