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BREAKING: Multiple Gun Control Bills Head To CO Governor’s Desk

It didn’t take long for gun control extremists in the Colorado State Legislature to gut the Second Amendment this year – 111 days to be exact. Three more gun control bills are now headed to Governor Jared Polis’ desk for final signature. This is on top of two other gun control bills he’s already signed…

Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About Red Flag Emergency Risk Protection ERPO Gun Laws : Rally for our Rights Colorado
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Fast Tracked Gun Control Bills In Colorado Make FIVE For 2021 Legislative Session

Want the Tl;dr version of the three gun control bills Colorado just introduced? Scroll down to below the graph. Colorado tends to fly fairly under the radar when it comes to national chatter about gun control. A very libertarian state where guns and weed are common topics of conversation, the last time a major push…

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CO Gun Bills Expose Glaring Assault On Victims Rights After Floor Debate Amendments Fail

  This past week, two Colorado gun control bills have been rapidly making their way through the state legislature. While HB21-1106: Mandatory Safe Storage of Firearms originated in the house, SB21-078: Mandatory Reporting of Lost and Stolen Guns was introduced in the senate, both on Feb 16, 2021. This was undoubtedly a strategic move to…

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The Problem With “Mandatory Reporting Of Lost & Stolen Guns” Laws

As gun control extremists rally activists and politicians alike to push their agenda, it’s always clear which bills are part of a larger gun control agenda because they pop up in every state. Mandatory Reporting of Lost and Stolen Firearms is one of them, which has been introduced here in Colorado this legislative session. SB21-078…

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Colorado Mandatory Firearm Storage Bill Advances

Safe Storage of Firearms (HB21-1106) sponsored by Representatives Monica Duran and Kevin Mullica along with State Senators Jeff Bridges and Chris Hansen, was signed by Governor Polis on April 19, 2021. During committee hearings and floor debate, a few things became clear about this bill: • Applies to homes with kids or prohibited persons. It…

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Littleton, CO Aims To Eliminate Gun Stores With Impossible New “Safe Storage” Requirements

While our country grapples with continued chaos from the election, COVID-19, a disrupted economy, and ongoing political violence, the mayor and city council of Littleton, CO has decided what is most important to them is pushing gun stores out of their city. During their February 2, 2021 city council meeting, a “Firearms Retailer Regulations” ordinance…

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Colorado Gun Owners: Brace For Gun Control Fight In 2021

After a 2020 that felt more like the Twilight Zone than reality, there’s one good thing that happened: 2020 gun control legislation was DOA both in-state and federally.  But that’s all about to change. Last year Colorado Democrats had only introduced two gun control bills when the legislature took an emergency recess due to COVID-19….

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Colorado Legislature Introduces Mandatory Safe Gun Storage Bill

In a Facebook post, Colorado State Representative Monica Duran announced that she has introduce a “Safe Gun Storage” bill along with State Representative Kevin Mullica.  HB20-1355 Secure Storage of Firearms can be found here. In Duran’s post, she states: I am proud to be running Safe Gun Storage alongside Representative Mullica, being introduced today. Gun…