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Only Days Left For Boulder, CO Residents To Register Their Firearms

Rally for our Rights has been at the forefront of Boulder, Colorado’s so-called “assault weapons” ban since it’s inception. We attended city council meetings and organized messaging campaigns encouraging residents to contact their local government officials. We organized a street demonstration on April 21st, 2018 in protest to the proposed ban – an event which was attended by…

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Actually, David Hogg…It’s Illegal To Use Tax Money To Fund Gun Control Research

On another episode of “Things Anyone Can Say On Twitter” gun control proponent, David Hogg, recently tweeted: “Congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research.” Congress ought to create a federal tax on gun sales to fund gun violence research. — David Hogg (@davidhogg111) November 28, 2018 For…


Gun Grabber Goes Nuclear – Literally

The American people have become accustomed to politicians often making uneducated statements, but Congressman Eric Swalwell takes the cake with his most recent tweet regarding resistance to gun confiscation. Earlier this year, the congressman proposed banning and buying back weapons he would classify as “assault weapons” and criminally prosecuting those who would defy this law….