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Why Common Sense Gun Laws Only Criminalize The Law Abiding

The alleged “common sense” gun laws start to sound more and more like denial of rights, firearms seizures and criminalization of law abiding citizens than solutions to gun safety. For me, and many of my friends, common sense gun laws would include: firearms safety training *gasp* IN SCHOOLS and elsewhere, taught by qualified firearms instructors….

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Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About Red Flag Emergency Risk Protection Gun Laws

If you’re not familiar with Red Flag Laws, also known as Emergency Risk Protection Orders (ERPO),  you’re not paying enough attention.  And if you know what Red Flag Laws are and support them, you’re probably also not paying enough attention. Red Flag Laws allow an intimate partner, former intimate partner, or family member to make…

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Gun Owners Across US Woke Up Criminals In The New Year – And They Did Nothing Wrong

While the masses across the United States were out ringing in the New Year – some of whom were undoubtedly engaging in illegal activity such as drunk driving and illicit drug use – gun owners in multiple cities and states simply stayed home, watched the ball drop on their TV, and went to bed without…

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When Self Protection Is Needed The Most, Red Flag Laws Can Be Used To Disarm You

Red Flag Laws are all the rage these days, almost trendy.  It seems that’s what the anti-gun community cares about when creating laws – being trendy – even though many of these trendy laws make people less safe.  And that’s exactly what Red Flag Laws do. As a woman who chose to leave an unhealthy…


Red Flag Gun Bills Have Nothing To Do With Mental Health And Everyone Should Care

Earlier this year, during the 2018 legislative session, Colorado Republicans held a one seat majority in the state senate.  This was enough to stop a poorly written and heavily rushed Red Flag Bill from becoming law.  Unfortunately for those who support gun rights and due process, that single seat was lost in November’s election along…