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Denver Moves To Ban Concealed Carry In Public Parks & Buildings – SPEAK UP NOW!

Denver Moves To Ban Concealed Carry In Public Parks & Buildings – SPEAK UP NOW!

In an unprecedented, yet unsurprising move, Denver City Council will begin the process to outlaw the legal concealed carry of handguns in public parks and buildings that are owned by, leased by, or leased to the City of Denver.

Because, ya know, criminals totally care about concealed carry permits and gun laws.

In the past two years, the City of Denver has seen a startling increase in crime. They closed 2021 out with 96 homicides, the most in over 30 years, and 2022 is already poised to break that record. Not one of these crimes was committed by a concealed carry permit holder, although applications for concealed carry permits has been steadily rising as 911 callers are placed on hold during emergencies, police response times are dangerously slow with an average of 11.6 minutes in 2019, and the citywide efforts to defund the police have left many residents realizing they need to be prepared to defend themselves.

But the city’s solution to this is to disarm law abiding citizens?

Yes, apparently so. And when the disarmed law abiding become victims of people who don’t care about the city’s ineffective silly laws, that same council will use their still warm bodies to push for even more gun control.

It should be noted that open carry has long been illegal in Denver, as is concealed carry without a permit.

Here are the details and we need YOU to speak up! 

The proposed legislation is File #22-0401: Amends Chapters 38 & 39 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code to prohibit concealed carry within city parks and buildings owned by, leased by, or leased to the city. 

The first hearing on this issue will be Wednesday, April 13 at 10:30AM in the Denver Safety, Housing, Education & Homelessness Committee. This meeting is virtual only and will include a briefing, followed by 15 minutes of public comment (2 minutes each), discussion among council members, then action. If it passes this committee, it will then move on to the full city council and will be heard at a future regular meeting. We will keep you updated on it’s progress.

To provide public comment, you must sign up between 9AM and 10AM on Wednesday, April 13 (you cannot sign up before). To sign up (again, during that time only) go to www.denvergov.org/councilpublicinput and click on “Public Input in Committee” and follow the prompts from there.

The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Link to participate/watch: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SrJLqP3TTRqWZrnyFczQ1A
Password: DENVER

CLICK HERE to email every committee member at once.

If you are a Denver resident, work in Denver, or travel to or through Denver often, we need you to speak up and take action on this!

Feel free to contact us with any questions and we’ll do our best to get them answered.

Read more about the proposed legislation here: https://denver.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=5545923&GUID=AECE25F5-02A6-4F05-AFDB-5A6738F0A104&Options=ID%7CText%7C&Search=22-0401

Download and read through the proposed presentation documents:

BR22 0401 CAO City Building Gun Prohibition v14
BR22 0401 CAO Concealed Carry
City Building Gun Prohibition (committee)
Concealed Carry FAQs
Concealed Carry PPT – Safety Cmte 4.13 (1)
Concealed Carry PPT – Safety Cmte 4.13

Donate & Get A Sticker!

Help us fight the radical gun control extremists down at the capitol this legislative session by making a donation of $5 or more and get your choice of one of these weatherproof, scratch resistant stickers that are made in the U.S.A.

CLICK HERE to get yours!

*Contributions are not tax deductible.

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